2.8.: Mixtures containing at least one sensitising substance

The label on the packaging of mixtures not classified as sensitising but containing at least one substance classified as sensitising and present in a concentration equal to or greater than that specified in Table 3.4.6 of Annex I shall bear the statement:
EUH208 — ‘Contains (name of sensitising substance). May produce an allergic reaction’.
Mixtures classified as sensitising containing other substance(s) classified as sensitising (in addition to the one that leads to the classification of the mixture) and present in a concentration equal to or greater than that specified in Table 3.4.6 of Annex I shall bear the name(s) of that/those substance(s) on the label.
Where a mixture is labelled in accordance with Section 2.4 or 2.5, the statement EUH208 may be omitted from the label for the substance concerned.