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The final exposure scenario shall be presented under the relevant heading of the chemical safety report, and included in an annex to the safety data sheet, using an appropriate short title giving a brief general description of the use, consistent with those given in Section 3.5 of Annex VI. Exposure scenarios shall cover any manufacture in the Community and all identified uses.
In particular, an exposure scenario includes, where relevant, a description of:
Operational conditions
— the processes involved, including the physical form in which the substance is manufactured, processed and/or used,
— the activities of workers related to the processes and the duration and frequency of their exposure to the substance,
— the duration and frequency of emissions of the substance to the different environmental compartments and sewage treatment systems and the dilution in the receiving environmental compartment.
Risk management measures
— the risk management measures to reduce or avoid direct and indirect exposure of humans (including workers and consumers) and the different environmental compartments to the substance,