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Thus the information to be considered includes information related to the hazards of the substance, the exposure arising from the manufacture or import, the identified uses of the substance, operational conditions and risk management measures applied or recommended to downstream users to be taken into account.
In accordance with section 3 of Annex XI in some cases, it may not be necessary to generate missing information, because risk management measures and operational conditions which are necessary to control a well-characterised risk may also be sufficient to control other potential risks, which will not therefore need to be characterised precisely.
If the manufacturer or importer considers that further information is necessary for producing his chemical safety report and that this information can only be obtained by performing tests in accordance with Annex IX or X, he shall submit a proposal for a testing strategy, explaining why he considers that additional information is necessary and record this in the chemical safety report under the appropriate heading. While waiting for results of further testing, he shall record in his chemical safety report, and include in the exposure scenario developed, the interim risk management measures that he has put in place and those he recommends to downstream users intended to manage the risks being explored.